Sunday, August 10, 2008

kant see the woods

A friend sent me this video clip. It is one of the most hilarious and creative things I have seen in a long time. Who would ever think that Kant, Nietzsche, and attack political ads could be this funny.

Or maybe it is just this incredibly boring election year that makes Kant humorous.

Enjoy. (Thanks to my blogger friend, Nancy. She walked me through the process. It actually works.)


  1. Who comes up with these ideas? This one was very clever. I am curious about the picture. I suspect Nietszche never had a noble lion thought in his life.


  2. Steve - I remember once I was able to forward a video to my blog, but now although I think I'm doing everything right, it doesn't work. I even get a message saying it will appear on my blog, but nada! I don't know how to embed because I can't figure out where to stick the code. Are we the only ones in blogdom with this problem? Duh!

  3. Bliss -- Links cover a multitude of sins. I am always reluctant to send people to sites like YouTube. The associated links often are not the type of material I would distribute to my friends. But I guess we are all adults and can make our own choices.

  4. Horst -- I don't know who produces these pieces, but I would certainly like to attend a dinner party with them.

  5. YouTube embedding is easy, you need to copy the embed code from the video and when you are in your blog instead of "compose mode" click on the HTML mode tab and paste the embed code in the place you want it. Works for me anyway!


  6. Nancy -- Thanks for the tip. Now, I need to ask the more elemental question: "Where do I find the 'embed code'?" Let's use my YouTube video as an example. I clicked all over to find it on YouTube -- to no avail.

  7. Over to the right of the video is a grey box with info on the video and its author. One box says embed and below it is some code. Here is the code:

    Sorry, it won't let me paste the code here for some reason.

    Highlight it and copy it and paste into your blog where you want it.

    No hay problema!

  8. Thanks, Nancy. Now I just need to find another good video. Or maybe I will modify this one.
