Saturday, September 13, 2008

september song mexicano

I had an interesting conversation this morning with my friend Juan Alvarez -- about the achievements and disappointments of the War of Independence against Spain, and the promises put on hold until the Revolution. But both of us started to get a little morose thinking about what could have been.

Instead of serving up a cold dish of dashed hopes, let me wish an early (by three days) happy Independence Day to all of you. May your personal
Grito de Delores be answered with liberty and peace.

I would wait until Tuesday, but I am actually getting things cleared out of the house. If I keep up this pace I may be MIA from the computer for a bit.


  1. Wow, sounds like you're getting ready to issue your own grito! Bravo!

  2. Stay with it! Have you marked a room of your list yet?

  3. Thats real good. Before long, you will have accomplished what you set out to do. By the way Steve, I found a "Peso" under one of my cabinets linings. You can have it to take with you. :) I really did find a peso, paper money. I was surprised. Take care

  4. It's NEVER too early to wish El Grito to us......we've been celebrating for about 10 days and the BIG event isn't til Monday night in the jardine.

  5. Bliss -- Step by step.

    American Mommy -- I abandoned the room-by-room approach. I am choosing low-hanging fruit as they appear -- and there is plenty in this harvest.

    Gloria -- You will not believe what I am finding buried under piles of paper -- but no pesos.

    Babs -- Next year in -- I started to say Jerusalem -- Mexico.
