Thursday, October 23, 2008

more lens

I think we may all need a little art breather after our financial discussion. So, two more photographs on my walk through the park with Professor Jiggs. By the way, we are still having a marvelous clear-sky Fall.

Sometimes, the color and light combine with either new shapes --

Or that old cliché, repetition, enters the act.


  1. How beautiful. Those photos remind me of flying into Milwaukee once at the beginning of October and it was a crazy quilt of color below. I'll never forget it!

    Enjoy your lovely fall!

  2. Very nice, so nice that it calms and soothes. Take care.

  3. Babs and Gloria -- This fall has been one of the best I can recall for colors. This morning, while walking Jiggs, I was struck by what a nice place my neighborhood is. Not only the light and the trees, but the people.

  4. Really liking that second pic. It could easily be a desktop background. (which is high praise from me!)

    Gee, do you think you got enough responses to your banking post? I thought Jonna and Michael were going to start a bitch fight there for awhile!

  5. Wayne, you made me giggle out loud!
