Sunday, November 23, 2008

and here it begins

American Mommy wanted to know, now that I have shown you what inspired me to look in the Costa Alegre area for my Mexico move, what did I finally settle on?

I believe I have posted some similar photographs in preparation for and following my July visit to Melaque. But it is time to take another look -- for no other reason than I have entered into an agreement to stay in the house from at least May through October.

For about the past five years, I have considered buying a home on the Oregon coast. I grew up within 50 miles of the ocean, and I have always enjoyed the beach.

But every time I came close to buying, I reconsidered. After all, I could be at the beach in an hour -- and the home prices were incredibly high, at least, by Oregon standards.

It was a natural progression to start looking at homes on the Pacific coast of Mexico. Yesterday's post gives the back story on how I ended up looking in the Barra de Navidad-Melaque area.

And then I stumbled across the possibility of living in the house pictured at the top of this post. I test drove the place in July. It is everything I will need to begin this adventure.

This is a view of the back yard from the second story balcony. It has all of the scenery of Oregon with the addition of much warmer temperatures.

If that was not enough -- this is the view that greeted me every morning when I woke up. I took the photograph while lying in bed.

And, at the end of a day, this is the sight that will often greet me -- as seen from the roof patio.

You can see why I am looking forward to starting this adventure in May. The days are ticking quickly away.


  1. i've commented on the house before-it's beautiful. the views are great and the sunsets spectacular!
    no wonder you want to move down! hopefully someday i'll be able to move down for the winters. i just don't think i could give up my hiking, backpacking and other summer activities here. spending jan.-april in mexico would be perfect for me.

    had a great time salsa dancing last night! today i am going to usher at a play so i get to see it for free-always looking for freebies or discounts.

    take care,

  2. Nice!! Not too shabby for Professor Jiggs :)

  3. Teresa -- Not only do I enjoy showing the photographs, it gives me a chance to start heading off to that new location.

    BoBo's non -- The house is dog-friendly. You can see the owner's dog in the first photograph. But there are LOTS of stairs, and Jiggs has climbing issues these days.

  4. Steve, you're going for full immersion, 'just dive into the deep end' conversion! It will take some time for your blood to thin and you are arriving when the heat is rising. Don't get discouraged, you will adjust and it will seem much cooler when that happens. Going from freezing Oregon to summer in Melaque is extreme though, it will take awhile.

    That is a beautiful house and gorgeous location. I love the area a lot, we've spent several months just north of there with Melaque as the closest shopping. I do envy those west coast sunsets, our sunrises are not as dramatic and I rarely see them anyway. Mimi and I used to have a rule when on the west coast that we stopped whatever we were doing and sat together to watch the sunset. It was a wonderful time.

  5. Steve, I think you'll definitely be happy with your choice! What's more beautiful than that view! Having spent a lot of Thanksgivings on the Oregon Coast with the rain blowing sideways -- there's no second guessing that choice! :) Congratulations!


  6. Well, just think, by this time next year you'll know if you want to make Mexico your permanent home .....or not! It's beautiful, you'll have LOTS of company.....
    maybe, even me.

  7. Wow Steve, that is definitely paradise. I can hardly wait till you start blogging from your roof patio. Take care.

  8. Jonna -- I stayed in the house last July to see if I could tolerate the summer heat. You are correct that it will take a bit to acclimate. However, I have picked up some tips over the years of dealing with tropic heat. Those sunsets are worth every bit of daily sweat, though. I suspect Professor Jiggs will never get to the roof. Just too many stairs -- and he would not be able to appreciate the colors.

    Beck -- We may actually have a nice Thanksgiving this year in Oregon. The weather has been clear all weekend. I am just about to take the dog for a stroll in the park.

    Babs -- You are correct. By this time next year, the audition will be over. And I think I already know the answer: Mexico will be my new home. You will need to drop by on one of your coastal trips. Bring Matilda for another toe baptism.

    Gloria -- I, too, look forward to roof-top blogging.

  9. oh my!!! that is an amazing view... i expect you'll be taking lots of pictures for all of us to admire!! :) What a wonderful place to spend your time!!

  10. Steve - What a great choice! Maybe we'll be in the area next May (looks like we're cruising south after all) and I can see it for real. We're talking about renting a slip in Barra de Navidad if possible.

  11. Aighmeigh -- The house has a great view. You can count on more photographs -- as soon as I can get down to Melaque.

    Bliss -- It would be great to see you in May. You know right where you can find me.

  12. Steve, It is just wonderful. We so enjoy living on the pacific coast and with the lovely views and inviting surf. Thank you for the post. AMIM

  13. AMIM -- You are most welcome. I am really looking forward to getting down there.

  14. Steve,
    That is a great photo of the view you wake up to. Oh and what a fabulous view that is anytime of the day.

  15. Jackie -- It is a very beautiful place. Hot -- but, beautiful.
