Sunday, December 13, 2009

please stand by

I wish I could find one of those old ¨technical difficulty¨signs from the early days of television.

You know the ones . ¨Please stand by. We are experiencing technical difficulties.¨

The problem is that I would not be able to post it if I found it because I am experiencing technical difficulties.¨

Well, my computer is.

It appears the sea finally won its tug of war. I took my laptop to the local computer guru when my wireless card failed to work properly. It turns out, the computer was ¨full of water.¨ I hope that was more hyperbole than diagnosis.

Hyperbole or not, my computer will be out of operation for the remainder of the week.

Coincidentally, I will be, as well. I have some symptoms indicating that I may get the privilege of having a touch of tropical ¨flu.¨

That means I will miss the ballet tonight. As soon as I finish this post, I am off to bed for the remainder of the day. I need to retain some strength for moving house on Tuesday.

If an opportunity arises, I will post. Otherwise, I will be back on line as soon as I can get a computer (and fingers) that work.


  1. Computers cannot live at the tropical seashore unless living in an air-conditioned (de-humidified) room. The same goes for me!

  2. One too many mosquito bites? Have a good rest! Judy

  3. I Googled your phrase and under images there are several, including the one I remember from the sixties, black and white. When you get inland, your electronics will last longer and your summers will be more pleasurable. Such as in Morelos.

  4. Another reason for your next journey to SMA. Just think of the money you will save not having to buy a new computer, printer, wireless card, mouse, not to mention the ice you need for the constant cool Diet Cokes.

  5. Hope you're feeling better soon. Too bad about missing the ballet.

  6. You will be missed. Sorry to hear about the computer. The sea is horrible for all electronics. I am on my 3rd digital camera.

  7. You will be missed. Sorry to hear about the computer. The sea is horrible for all electronics. I am on my 3rd digital camera.

  8. I am so sorry to hear of your computer failing you. Many people will be disappointed not to be able to read of your daily exploits, etc.

    I hope this flu is not going to be serious. Take care of yourself.

