Monday, October 25, 2010

fleeing the flu

You should be reading a new post today.  And -- you should read one yesterday, as well.

There are post topics aplenty.  Unfortunately, I have not been feeling well.

Nothing big.  Just another of those anonymous "flu-like symptoms" conditions.

Headache.  Fatigue.  Muscle pain.

Every time I sit down to write, I feel a nap would be a better investment.

If you hang on, so will I.


  1. Yuck. You sound yucky. Sorry to hear that and we hope you're feeling better soon.

  2. :( Hope you're feeling better soon! Try to get some rest.

  3. I'm a hanging on here Steve...get better soon old chap!

  4. take good care of youself so you can recuperate quickly.

    teresa in l.s.

  5. I think the cause is that thing called "work", just the thought of it makes me feel ill.
    Take care, recover quickly.

  6. EEEEeeeeeeeeeewwwwwww, sorry...
    Wife and I both had a touch of the flu last week also.. Going around in the Salem area.

  7. Did you get a flu shot? I got one last week and for three or four days felt kind icky.

  8. Well, you spoiled me. I look forward to reading what you chose to say for the day! Listen to your body, rest, plenty of liquids, and a real good laugh will get that bug to leave. Take care, hope the truant officer doesn't have to come to the house to make sure you can't go to work. LOL! Just repeat "retirement, retirement" any day now.....presto, you are all better! Marilyn

  9. Thank you all. I am feeling much better after resting up on Sunday. I should be ready to head south on 10 November.
