Friday, July 01, 2011

the road to rendition

I am on the road to San Miguel.

That is, if you read this any time between 6 AM and 5 PM (Melaque Daylight Saving Time). 

I hope to be rolling by that time.  The arrival time is a bit mushy.  It is about an 8-hour drive.  But there will be stops.

None unscheduled, I hope.  I am counting on the Escape to deliver me to the magic of San Miguel de Allende.  I literally got no feel for the place on my last one-day visit.  But, this time, it will be serious dating.  I will be there for a month.

Well, three-quarters of a month.  When I scheduled this trip to San Miguel, I momentarily forgot I have guests coming to Melaque for the second week in July.

So, I will stay in San Miguel for a week, drive back to Melaque for a week, and then return  to San Miguel for another two weeks.  Call it serial dating.

My land lady for the month, the inestimable Babs, has been sending me notices about two festivals that will open at the end of July.  The International Chamber Music Festival.  And the Guanajuato International Film Festival (with presentations in San Miguel).  Just the type of cultural events I have been missing in my little fishing village by the sea.

If all goes well, I should be back on line in a day or two.  And I may even have some additional highland visits to announce for later in the summer.  We shall see.

For now, I will roll out of here with the CD player blaring away with a bit of Silence of the Lambs – just to set an interesting tone for the trip.

Why?  Were you expecting the soundtrack from Titanic?


tancho said...

With all the old fogigies kicking the bucket in SMA, a youngin like yourself and a eligible out!
Driving from SMA to the  beach for a week, must be very good friends.  Should a had them come to SMA, for the cool weather.
Have a good time, stock up on your goodies at the Mega there, it is quite impressive.

Don Cuevas said...

Have a salad and a pizza at La Grotta. It's the best place we've eaten at in SMA. Tortitlán is fine for fast, fresh tortas.
Saludos, Don Cuevas

Dan in NC said...

Watch where you walk Steve! SMA may be a town of "fallen women" , but many a fella has twisted an ankle on the way to a get together! Have a great time, and do not forget some "non-touristy" photos!
Dan in NC

Steve Cotton said...

They are great friends. I mentioned them in one of my broken ankle posts. His wife had just died and I invited him and his son down for some fellowship. But, you are correct, it is some drive.

Steve Cotton said...

Will do. I had dinner tonight at Correo. It was fine, but the company was outstanding.

Steve Cotton said...

The good times have begun already. With a surpise dinner guest. But that will have to wait for a later post. After 9 hours behind the wheel, I am ready for bed.

Tafreeburn said...

hope you arrived safely.  enjoy your week there.

say hi to babs for me.


Steve Cotton said...

I arrived, and all is well.