Sunday, October 30, 2011

clocking my time

My word to myself is not very good.

I told myself I was not going to waste space by writing about the end of Mexican daylight saving time.  After all, it is not very blogworthy, it happens every year.

But here I am, at the official 2 AM changing point, just itching to switch my bedside clock back one hour.  Of course, I am up at this time almost every night.  And, yes I know, I can do it anytime.  But you know -- I am a sucker for official acts. 

The only news is the same as last October.  Mexico gets its hour back tonight.  Canada and The States will not get theirs for another week.  So, my contacts up north will once again be time challenged.

OK.  I changed the clock.  Now I am going to sleep for an extra hour.


  1. speaking of time challenge, we are 16 hours ahead of the west coast and 13 hours ahead of the east. we have to think about it when we call our family friends because by the time those on the east coast are up, those on the pacific side are still snoozing.  i have no clue what the time difference is between here and mexico but it has to be somewhere between that 13 and 16. and yes, i know it depends on what part of mexico.

    have a great week!  feliz dia de los muertos!


  2. If there is anything more useless in this world than changing the hour twice a year I cannot imagine what it is.

  3. Eve may have actually found a watch hanging from the tree in the center of the garden.

  4. I agree, SeƱor!  Of all the things Mexico could have copied from the U.S. they had to go and choose the worst. :P 

  5. The greatest time difference I ever faced was when I lived in Greece.  But I had no telephone.  So, it did not matter.

  6. Baseball caps worn backward elbow out DST on my list of cultural abominations.

  7. In that version, the serpent tempted her to "Go ahead.  Turn it forward an hour.  You will get more time."

  8. Glad we don't have to change time here ever.  Good plan Sonora, yahoo !!
    What a PIA.

  9. If there is anything more useless in this world than changing the hour twice a year I cannot imagine what it is."Charger" plates in "better" restaurants. They are there only to be removed.Saludos,Don Cuevas 

  10. I did'nt mention the border states.  They have struck a good deal.

  11. But, in better restaurants, I am there only to be removed.

  12. sort of a waste - agreed - However the gaining an hour part is nicer than losing one. (Since it is going to happen with or without my consent).

  13. In this instance, it is better to receive.
