Sunday, January 29, 2012

the cold front sets in

I am feeling a bit puny today, as my dear old pappy used to say.

Actually, I am not certain he said any such thing.  But that is how I am feeling.

A head cold, I suspect.  Stuffy sinuses.  A bit of fever.  And a cough just one notch down from tuberculosis patient.  What doctors call unproductive coughs.  Better known to we lay people as the sound equivalent of dry heaves.

When I went to Oregon in early December, I took a variety of the cold with me and suffered a couple of weeks with it.  Having won, or at least placed in, each annual hubris award, I was smug at the possibility of returning to Melaque during the cold season and walking through the hackers with the certainty of The Inoculated.

Of course, my pride was better than my science.  Catching the flu immunizes you from the same strain.  Colds, like love, are forever.

And so mine is.  I have resorted to nuclear warfare: Nyquil during the daylight hours.  That made church a bit of a nod this morning.  And that is too bad because it was a great service. 

But I am now in my bed.  Drinking hot liquids.  And hoping that this will all pass before I climb on that airplane to San Francisco on Friday.

Until then, feeling puny will have to do.


  1. Chicken soup...also hot tea with honey and lemon and something a lttle stronger in the tea will help.

  2. take good care of yourself. there are so many sick people here. i am going to buy the masks that folks here wear when they are sick. i'll wear them as a preventive measure to keep from getting sick again, at least while riding the subways which seem to be incubators for germs.

  3. Dayquil during the day, Nyquil of an evening, and constant Hot toddies!
    The toddies may Not be medicinal, but they sure make the cold bearable! Matter of fact, I'm going to make one now to ward off a potential cold... All the best!
    Dan in NC

  4. Tea is flowing down my throat like a river. But there is nothing like Nyquil simply to knock out a cougher.

  5. I usually give up and jump to the Nyquil out f the gate.

  6. I guess the question will be whether the Chinese arrest me as a political activist or as a health threat.

  7. REST is the key - something hard found in your case I suspect.

  8. Yeah.  I have already been up twice on projects.

  9. Hope you are feeling better by the time you leave for China.  It is a long plane ride, a chance for some extra sleep.  Thank you for sharing your trip to Copper Canyon.  

  10. Me, too.  And I hope I feel well enough to pack.
