Tuesday, May 15, 2012

day 32 -- dubai

Well, the cruise is over.  I get off the ship at 8 AM for a bus tour of the city.  If all goes well, I will be at the airport around noon.

My flight to Los Angeles leaves at 2 AM -- tomorrow.  That means I will have about fourteen hours to tool around the airport.

I hope to find internet to get a few entertainment posts on line.

Next stop Los Angeles.


  1. "...fourteen hours to tool around the airport."

    Ugh!  Can't you tool around Dubai for some of those hours???

  2. Oh, good heavens, don't miss a taxi trip at least around Dubai.  Kim Kardashian thought it was an"amazing" place.

  3. What?  Was the cruise the actual "end" as opposed to a means of transportation to something/someplace else?  So "our" trip is near to over?  Please say it isn't so.

  4. I'm very surprised you're not staying over there for a few days to see the new "eighth wonder of the world"!

  5. Rent a movie online. Get "The Terminal" with Tom Hanks.

  6. Tell us about the airport in Dubai.  Is it as opulent as some of the other buildings?  What is the picture above?  It looks like a palm-tree shaped island.

  7.  The island is man-made to accommodate an extremely exclusive housing development.  Dubai is building another similar site to look like the world's continents.  It is a bit too Las Vegas for me.

    The airport reflects the profession of Dubai.  Traders.  It is a functional warehouse with marble floors.  What Costco would look like if designed by Liberace.

  8.  I will write more about it.  But "amazing" is not the word I would use.  Functionally phallic comes to mind.

  9.  I could be playing the soundtrack right now.  After my 16 hour flight to Los Angeles, I will  have a ten hour layover in the City of Angels.  Getting home may take longer than the trip from New Orleans to Dubai.

  10.  I saw it.  Yawn.  More in a day or two.

  11.  The cruise may be over, but that trip that is Steve still has a few more years on the road.  Maybe.

  12.  I did.  And I will tell you all about it.  In a day or two.  Right now, I am exhausted.  And the flight will not begin for another five hours.
