Monday, June 11, 2012

new eatery, familiar faces

Melaque has a new restaurant.

New eateries come and go in Melaque.  But it is unusual for a new one to open during the summer season.

I must confess that I spend a good deal of time in establishments that cater to the expatriate and northern tourist trade.  Not Burger King or Denny's.  Nothing like that here.  Simply places that attempt to accommodate the Spanish-handicapped and to give a nod to a few non-Mexican dishes.

Most of those places close during the summer season because Mexican tourists look for a more "authentically" Mexican experience. 

And that is why today's opening was so unique.

Frequent readers know that La Rana (The Frog) is one of my favorite local restaurants.  It is just around the corner from my house.  But it is also one of the restaurants that closes early.

Not any more.  The same family has opened an "annex" in Villa Obregon on Abel Selgado Velasco across the street from the Bungalos Orientales.

The spot is much more convenient for the Mexican coach trade.  And that season as begun.  The tourist buses from Guadalajara rolled into town in a salmon-spawning stream this weekend.

The plan is to open seven days a week from approximately 7:30 to 3:00.  Obviously, depending on how the trade strolls in.

I had just eaten when I stopped by today.  But tomorrow I will eat breakfast there. 

It is nice to have another option in town.


  1. You guys that live in town get all the perks

  2. From the photo, I guessed that one of the especialidades might be shredded wheat. ...chuckle

    Saludos,Don Cuevas 

  3. That might explain a lot of things...

  4.  We are just rolling in culinary opportunities.

  5.  I will let you know tomorrow.

  6. "La Rana" from my experience at breakfast, was wonderful. Usually had a banana smoothy and omelette, the service, always cordial.  Good to know they've expanded. 
    Is the original place going to reopen?

  7. In my experience, nothing explains anything.  Too much postmodernism today, I suspect.

  8.  Most likely.  When the geese come south in the winter.

  9. And more of the gander.

  10. No use to me.  I don't get up until 4:00 pm or sometimes later...

  11.  I would say "yikes," but I am writing this in bed.  Not yet up.

  12. Gustatorius ProvincialisJune 12, 2012 at 5:19 PM

    From the photo I thought perhaps someone was filming a new version of The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe in your village.  I was looking forward to seeing you, Steve, play Best Man Friday.  My hopes dashed once again.

    Does the new kitchen serve meatloaf?

  13. I was less literary.  I thought I could play Gilligan and you, the professor.

  14. Gustatorius ProvincialisJune 13, 2012 at 12:50 AM

     You ad hominemizer you!

  15. I do believe tht is still a felony in some states.
