Sunday, April 07, 2013

ye, of little faith

Jesus may have been talking to his disciples when he uttered the phrase, but it certainly came to mind when I answered the telephone late Friday afternoon.

The female voice on the other end asked for me by name -- in Spanish.  Inquiring if I was still in Mexico.  But the words came in a flood after that.   I confessed my language failing -- in my faltering Spanish.

The next voice was male.  In English.  Saying that he had my new car.  At least, That is what I heard.  But I was confused.  I hadn't sent my purchase money to the dealership, yet.  How could my new car have already arrived?

A few work volleys across the verbal net, and I was profusely apologizing.   It wasn't my new car that was available, but my new card.  My permanent resident visa.  I needed to stop by the Manzanillo office to pick it up at 9 AM on Monday.

I have already confessed my agnosticism about having enough faith in Mexican bureaucracy that my visa would be approved in the equivalent of seven business days.  (last plane to lisbon)  But I was wrong. 

It turns out that I did not need to spend that 320 pesos for my letters of transit.  Instead, I can head north with my new visa -- even though it may delay our departure by a couple of hours.  And we will discover if there is any problem with turning in my duty-free vehicle decal when I now have a visa that does not (or may not) qualify for duty-free status.

I am certain there will be a story there.  And probably plenty more as Darrel and I do a reprise of our brother road trip -- but in reverse.

Note -- I usually post something about Mexico's return to daylight saving time on this weekend each year. But, not today.  If you didn't already switch your clock forward an hour, you may be late for something.  But no one is going to notice or care.  That is another benefit for those of us who are temporally challenged -- and live tranquilly in Mexico.

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