Sunday, October 20, 2019

priscilla of the ocean

I had a cooking tale to relate this morning. But Tlaloc had different plans.

A weather formation has been sitting off of our coast for the past week. It appeared it was going to be as unorganized as a Sunday School picnic. Days of rain, but nothing more.

Last night it changed. It jumped from a disturbance to a tropical storm. Priscilla by name.

Because the storm is so close, we will see its results today. Probably early this afternoon. The winds are foretasted in the 40 MPH range, and there will undoubtedly be rain.

These late season storms are not uncommon here. Four years ago, hurricane Patricia rumbled over us during the last week of October.

For now, I am off to church. When I come home, I will sit inside and watch the storm while eating the dish I was going to tell you about.

There is always the possibility we will be without power for a brief period. If so, we will talk next when we can.

Note -- It appears the storm is giving us a miss. It has decreased to a depression and is passing to the east of us.

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