Eighty-one years old and ready (or almost) to go on the selling block. My house, that is.
My great uncle taught me that you should never judge a horse until you have seen its rear end. (He may have been talking about politicians, but I think the comparison would be slightly modified). So, here it is from the back. My house. Or what it looked like this spring. There is much more greenery today.
I met with my realtor on Tuesday afternoon, and we had a long talk about the housing market in Oregon. She gave me an estimated listing price. I was not surprised. I have never considered my house to be an investment. And she verified that it is not.
Now, I need to take some steps to add to the house's marketability. Some cosmetic. Some expensive. But it will cost me no more than about a year's worth of house payments.
I will be talking to the same contractor who painted my kitchen, and the trim on the house 15 years ago. It will be nice to work with him again.
When he is done, the house will go on the market. And I will be one step closer to making the move south. If it sells before I leave, I will find a place to rent. If it does not sell before I leave -- Well, I will think about that possibility when it occurs.
For now, I need to keep moving room to room and start dumping out excess clothes and possessions. The Salvation Army may be able to live for a month off of my rummage donations.
Steve, your house is the kind of house I always wanted to live in...quirky nooks and crannies, I bet! It looks GREAT from the hack...You've taken a BIG step!
I had lived in Oklahoma 62 years and in the same house the last 27 years. When we moved to Mexico two years ago, we gave away a lot of stuff, left a lot of stuff, and still brought 20,000 pounds of stuff which was crazy and expensive. We have since continued giving away stuff. It is hard to strike the right balance as to what to bring and what to leave behind. Almost everything, but not everything, is available here, although at a greater price. I do hope the Professor Jiggs makes it to Mexico.
A big decision made.
I love your house. It's what I wanted for years. With a cottage garden. Good luck on selling.
When we left the US 5 years ago we decided to get rid of most of our 'stuff' and put only the things we might need upon return into storage. It was one of the most liberating things we ever did. We had to return to the US for our kids when it was time for college. Now that theyre settled its time to go again and this time we're getting rid of just about everything. The only things we're bringing will fit in our car and maybe a box which we'll send ahead of time. Not everyone can live with it but I highly recommend letting the 'stuff' go. :-)
Babs and Theresa -- Thanks for the compliments on the house. If either of you wants to buy one, I know the owner.
Larry and Vanya -- I am quickly learning the joy of divesting myself of Stuff. I know everyone who moves goes hrough this liberating feeling, but it is amazing what we tend to accumulate.
Brenda -- One small step for Steve; one giant leap for Stevekind.
your house looks lovely. i've always liked older houses-they have real charm. good luck with the painting and all the other things you will have done to spiff it up.
teresa -- Good to see you in Commentland again. I have thoroughly enjoyed the house for the past 15 years. However, it is time to move on. One of the down sides of spiffing up a house is letting it go after spending all the extra money.
I have an 86 year old house that I want to sell in order to continue my life in Honduras. Great post. She does look great from the back, and that's a great line, too. Good luck. My sale fell through this summer, but like you, I added a few cosmetic touches. Best of luck!
Thanks, Laurie. I am starting to feel like Cortés burning his ships at Veracruz.
Good luck with the sale Steve. What a lovely house. Your post brings me back to a few months ago when I started the selling/purging process. I cannot count the bags I brought to the Salvation Army....
I wish you the best with your relocation!
New Beginnings -- The move seems so far away, but it will be here sooner than I think. Our Salvation Army church sponsors an International Circus each year to raise missions money. One of the highlights is the rummage sale. I should be able to sponsor it single-handed.
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