Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the journey south -- part dos

My target for a Melaque landing is the 23rd or 24th of April. I see no reason why Jiggs, my brother, and I cannot make that schedule.

I am not certain how many days we will spend on the road to get to Lukeville. But I would like to follow the same road trip rules in Mexico that we will use in the States -- no rush, stop when the mood hits, follow our instincts.

But, I also know enough about driving in Mexico that there will be a few more rules to follow when we cross the border. (Let me point out that I have not driven extensively in Mexico since 1972.)

Rule number one. When the sun starts to head for the western horizon, tourists should head for their motels. I grew up in an area where driving at night was a dangerous hobby. Between deer, bobcats, and neighborhood drunks, our windy mountain roads could be a real challenge at night.

But Mexican roads at night make the Powers road look like an autobahn. Livestock. Rocks. Potholes. Unlit vehicles. All can be discovered -- often with the front bumper of your speeding car.

Rule number two. Stick to the toll roads -- the cuotas. They are expensive, but they are well-maintained. This will be an easy one to comply with. We will be able to drive on cuotas almost all the way to Melaque.

With those rules in mind, we will cross at Lukeville. My brother will need to get his FMT at the border. If all goes well, I will have my Mexican automobile insurance when I leave Salem, and my automobile permit from the consulate in Phoenix.

If we cross at Lukeville early in the morning, we should be able to get to Guaymas in eight hours. There are at least two bloggers I would like to see there. According to my sources, the Flamingo Motel accepts dogs.

The next day, we should be able to get to Mazatlán in nine hours. There at least two other bloggers I would like to meet there. I have several leads on hotels, though the Azteca Inn seems to hold promise.

The big question then becomes whether to try to drive all the way to Melaque on the next day. There are two routes: mostly cuotas through Guadalajara and down through Colima -- or driving the "scenic" route through Puerto Vallarta.

As much as I would like to see Puerto Vallarta again, we are going to run into traffic issues no matter where we drive. Even though Semana Santa will be over by the time we enter Mexico, many people will still be finishing up their holidays at the beach. For that reason alone, the Guadalajara route may be faster.

Even so, that will be at least a 10 hour drive. We may want to consider breaking that portion of the drive into two parts.

If we decide to take the Puerto Vallarta option, we will join the coast road at Tepic. I will then want to stop in Chacala to see the village that was so special to Andee Carlsson -- and to wish I had been able to come two years earlier. I would also like to stop in the Puerto Vallarta area to see a blogger friend. If we stop in Puerto Vallarta, I will need to find a dog-friendly motel.

Either way, that should give us plenty of time to see some of Mexico, and still be in Melaque by 24 April.

The plans are designed to be written in sand. A good tide will undoubtedly turn them into something far more interesting.

Those of you who have made the trek, any suggestions?