Tuesday, October 11, 2011

running in place with the wind

Apologies first.

I promised that I would not turn this blog into a storm news only site.  Well, I have.  I am starting to sound as obsessed as CNN.

After all, life goes on.  There are plenty of subjects to write about.  But, when a freight train is bearing down on you, it is difficult to wax poetic about the cosmos.

So, here is the latest.  And, if things go as normal with storms around here, perhaps the last post for a while -- until the CFE trucks swing into operation to restore power.

Hurricane Jova has been on a track to park itself in my carport for several days.  But last night it started shifting a bit to the northwest.

As you can see by the graphic, Barra de Navidad (for geographical purposes that would be me) is still within the hurricane’s cone.  But we are off to its right.

It is good that the hurricane may not come directly over us, but it does not mean we are out of danger.  I have had personal relationships more stable than hurricane path prediction.

But, even if the hurricane does move north and wreak its havoc on other poor souls I have not met, we will get the wave effects, some wind, and, of course, the danger of flooding from the rain -- the rain which has started to fall already this morning.  Not torrents, just a steady stream ensuring the ground will be saturated when the big waters rise.

I say “some wind” because this is a very compact hurricane.  Its strongest winds are only about 15 miles wide.  And we will probably be outside of, or just on the edge, of the worst part.

Based on all of that, I have decided to stay in place.  And I will not be alone.  All of my neighbors are staying in their houses.  You could hear them (my neighbors, not the houses) hammering through the night in preparation.

I really do appreciate all of the concern all of you have shown.  It made me give a lot more thought about what I would do than I normally would have.

I may go out this afternoon and take some photographs -- while all is calm.  Because I suspect it is not going to be a silent night.


  1. That's just crazy, but I guess I understand your staying too. By the time you get to be, I'll be kind, our age. There's just not a whole lot you haven't seen or done. Something new has a magical pull and safety has less a need. I'd love to see a hurricane in person, but dread the damage and possible loss of life to those who won't be able to chose to leave. Glad your home has a second floor, hope it's good concrete construction and also hope you've got many good stories to tell us in a couple of days. Until then, you have us glued to the edge of our seats. Be safe amigo. Talk to you soon.

  2. Best wishes, stay safe.

  3. Whether it was a foolhardy decision or not will soon be known.

  4. You are a resourceful fellow - I am sure you will be OK. I think they haven't had a real barn blower of a hurricane hit there since 1959 or so - if it starts blowing real hard - blow back - you have it in you ;-)

  5. You, sir, know me too well.

  6. Thanks.  Will do.

  7. You'll be fine if you can sleep through a freight train coming through the living room. For hours on end. And the crash bang of all the debris flying around.    

  8. Sounds like fiesta night.
