Today is the day Mexico celebrates its flag. El día de la bandera.
Flags have significance for every nation. They are the standards of national myth.
Take a look at that flag. Really look at it. What can you tell about the nation it represents?
Obviously, a monarchy. The crown is a dead give-away.
And the national creed is not subtle. Right in your face. Religion. Union. Independence. All in a romance language.
It would be understandable if you thought you were looking at an early version of a flag from the Kingdom of Italy. But it's not.
It is the personal banner of the first ruler of the newly-independent Mexico: Emperor Agustín de Iturbide. The year was 1821.
And like the advocates of most authoritarian forms of government, Iturbide made the mistake of thinking the state was the nation. Something we see playing out in the mind of Vladamir Putin this morning.
But Iturbide's banner was never the official flag of Mexico. That honor goes to this beauty:Obviously, a monarchy. The crown is a dead give-away.
And the national creed is not subtle. Right in your face. Religion. Union. Independence. All in a romance language.
It would be understandable if you thought you were looking at an early version of a flag from the Kingdom of Italy. But it's not.
It is the personal banner of the first ruler of the newly-independent Mexico: Emperor Agustín de Iturbide. The year was 1821.
And like the advocates of most authoritarian forms of government, Iturbide made the mistake of thinking the state was the nation. Something we see playing out in the mind of Vladamir Putin this morning.
The colors are a good place to start. Many of the leaders of the Mexican independence movement admired the French revolution. Choosing a tricolor design was easy. Just substitute Mexican green for French blue, and you have the basic flag. The French, of course, tried to return the favor in 1864. Not by removing the green, but by installing a European emporer.
Being romantics, the heroes of Independence ascribed qualities to the colors. Green for independence. White for religion -- Roman Catholic, of course. (The anti-clericalism of the Mexican elite did not attain dominance until the reforma thirty years later). And red for the union between Mexico's people.
The coat of arms in the center embodies the mysticism of Mexican myth. The story goes, sometime in the early 1300s, the Mexica people (one of the component parts of what would one day be the Aztec Empire) were on the move searching for a permanent home. They believed their god, Huitzilopochtli, would provide a homesteading sign: an eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus while eating a snake.
Mexico has eagles, snakes, and cactus galore. So, the housing options seemed open-ended. But, Huitzilopochtli must have had a good sense of humor.
Instead of an eagle showing up in the rolling hills of central Mexico, the designated eagle landed on a cactus on a small, swampy island in the middle of a lake. An island that would be the root of a vast empire -- until the Spanish showed up and decided the spot would be a far better site for the capital city of their new colonial empire.
Thus was born the eagle myth. Along with a national coat of arms and matching flag decoration.
The first eagle wore a crown. Just like the emperor. But the crown and Iturbide were not to last for long. Both were sent packing in 1823. At least the eagle wasn't shot by a firing squad -- as was the emperor. In 1824.
The crownless republican eagle ruled until the French decided Mexico needed an Austrian prince to be the next emperor of Mexico. The Aztec eagle turned into a Roman finial, accompanied by imperial eagles sprinkled on the tricolor in a style only a Napoleon could love.
There were other reasons, but no self-respecting Mexican was going to allow his country to be represented by what looked like a tea towel purchased at a shop outside Neuschwanstein Castle. Out it went in 1867 along with Maximilian's bullet-riddled body. European emperors have not had a long shelf-life in Mexico.
The crownless-eagle returned for another 26 years, until the eagle got tired of facing to the right. For 23 years, he switched profiles and faced to the left. Staring in the same direction can get boring.
When the revolution toppled the dictator Porfirio Diaz in 1911, Mexico decided it needed a new flag to represent its revolutionary fervor. Instead of the eagle's head being in profile, the whole bird would be in profile with a more natural look. Heroic. Audubon as socialist realism.
That was 1916. With a slight change in 1934, it was the national flag until 1968. The flag I knew when I made my first trip to Mexico.
And then the Olympic games came to Mexico in 1968. Mexico spiffed and buffed, making Mexico City shine. (With the exception of some students who bothered to get in the way of a government born of revolution, who knew how to disgracefully tend to protests -- promises kept, part i.)
Mexico got a lot of new buildings for the games. But it also got a new flag -- the flag we see today.

All of the myths and symbols have been retained since independence -- even though the colors have new meanings: green for hope; white for union; red for the blood of heroes. After all, this is a flag that represents the principles of the Revolution, but that has its roots in a misty past where Spaniards had not yet invaded the land.
Like most nations, Mexico thinks very highly of its symbols. The flag is the embodiment of the nation. Every morning at schools across Mexico, children parade it, salute it, and pledge their sacred honor to it.
Even this post could be subject to Mexican law because images of the flag are protected.
Anyone who broadcasts an image of the flag is required to have a permit. Some of us remember the dust-up caused when MTV Mexico canceled an episode of South Park because the program featured a Mexican flag -- and the government had not issued a permit.
You will not see protesters burning Mexican flags in Mexico -- and getting away with it. I suspect that Austrian-inspired table cloth could be burned. But I am not even certain about that.
To postmodern eyes, a lot of that seems odd. But, Mexicans love their flag because they love their country.
So, today we will wish the flag, and the nation for which it stands, a Happy Flag Day. May the eagle remain uncrowned.
So, today we will wish the flag, and the nation for which it stands, a Happy Flag Day. May the eagle remain uncrowned.