I started to write posts on a couple of topics.
Separate, they do not constitute enough material for a post.
But they just may make a satisfying stew. So, here are the ingredients:
1. Despite Mexican voodoo dolls, that were better material for posts than football magic, the United States soccer team defeated Mexico 2 to 0 on Wednesday -- both goals scored by Michael Bradley. The US will now advance in the final round of qualifications for the 2009 World Cup in South Africa. I am now convinced that Radio Shack and Blockbuster were actually sponsoring doogood dolls. It sounded like a good game. Another bad day to not own a television.
2. I finally caught the attention of one of the young men at Best Buy, who was willing to take my money, and supply me with a new lap top. I decided to opt for the Sony Z series. It is compact and powerful. I have not been able to use it very much because I do not have a wireless connection in my house. However, it works great at work. One more item checked off for the move south.
3. I had scheduled Friday as a vacation day -- hoping that I could get up to Portland to visit the Mexican consulate. That is not going to happen. On Monday, I came down with an incredible headache. By that evening every joint in my body ached. I chaired the Salvation Army Advisory Board on Tuesday, but barely got through. Just when I thought I was getting better on Wednesday, I had to pull an all-nighter to complete a project for work and to draft a speech for a Salvation Army Volunteer Breakfast. Friday will probably be a catch-up day in bed.
4. Every year, the Salvation Army sponsors a breakfast or dinner for all of its local volunteers. This year, I was invited to the keynote speaker. I struggled through early Thursday morning looking for the right hook -- and I found it right here amongst the blog community. I told the volunteers about Linda, who volunteered to help her neighbors recover from Hurricane Norbert; about Wayne, who saw the need of children in Ursulo Galvan, and knitted caps and mittens with the help of other knitters and donors, and worked with John and Anita to provide a warming Christmas for the children; and Michael, who honored his infant son, Ian Lee, by inviting bloggers to join in the work of Kiva to provide micro loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries. I thanked them for being the Lindas, Waynes, and Michaels in our community -- seeing a need, thinking of others more than themselves, and taking action.
This has been a very busy two days. But now, I will put this achy body to bed. One swig of Nyquil should do it.
Thank you for the generous kudos. We do what we can. Take care of yourself, the clock is ticking and you are going to need all of your strength soon!
The inspirations for your speech are inspiring indeed.
Glad you got your computer and I hope you are well really soon because you need to take care of Mr.Jiggs.:) Have a great weekend.
Islandgringo -- You deserve every word. Good luck on this year's project. I should have mentioned it.
AMM -- A great gang of bloggers.
Gloria -- Jiggs is doing a good job of taking care of me.
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