Wednesday, February 25, 2009

thanks for the memories

Two steps forward. One step backward.

I checked off two major steps for the move south today. I had my physical and some selected inoculations.

The physical went very well. I passed everything -- other than my weight.

As some of you know, I went to grade school and high school with my doctor. We know each other well enough that there is little pretense between us. He does not bother telling me things that he knows I will not do, and I do not do things that he does not tell me to do.

Today was a bit different. Perhaps, because we will not have an ongoing physician-patient relationship. He pointed out that I have a series of risk factors when taken together is known as "metabolic syndrome." And I am not alone. If the Americans who suffered the syndrome united in a party, we would have clout. Over 50 million Americans have it.

Anyone who has been to a doctor knows the "treatment:" (1) lose weight, (2) get more exercise, and (3) eat a better diet. I am hoping that Mexico will afford an opportunity to do all three -- even though the third will be greatly handicapped by the presence of taco stands.

He also burned off a small growth on the tip of my nose. "Burned" is the wrong word. Froze. With liquid nitrogen. I was surprised how painless the process was.

I need to return to his office on Friday for some blood work. But I am ready to head south now -- with some health goals in mind.

Oh, yes. The inoculations. I finally gave in and started a hepatitis A series, as well as an inoculation for pneumonia, and a combination diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough injection. I would not have even thought of hooping cough if
Babs had not had her most recent episode.

All of that was good. The one step back is that I seem to have misplaced a series of documents -- and I have no idea what I did with them. One of them is quite critical.

I am taking vacation days the rest of this week to start reorganizing things in the house and getting rid of what I can -- even though I am not selling the place. I would like to get as much done before I leave as I can. Who knows, a buyer may show up with cash in hand while I am in Mexico. And the place needs to be ready.