If you haven't; I have.
The sole reason is my new camera. After a bit of assistance from a number of you (through a glass darkly), I decided to purchase a Panasonic FZ-35.
I wanted a camera that had some of the ease of a point and shoot, but also had the ability to override the built-in macros to perform more like an SLR camera. This camera met that basic criterion.
Along with the ability to shoot at 12 megapixels and an 18X optical zoom.
For me, the zoom is far more important. The wide vistas of the Mexican Pacific coast gives me a great field of vision for shots. But many of those shots are simply beyond the range of a point and shoot.
My last camera taught me the value of a powerful zoom. I will never buy another camera without one.
But there is one downside. The camera body is about the size of an SLR camera -- just a bit smaller. It certainly will not fit in a pocket without some rather morally-pointed stares.
That means I need to carry a back pack with me when I go out on shoots. Not really a big deal.
The camera has also given me an opportunity to relearn basic photography skills. Because I can set the camera as if it were an SLR, I need to recall all of those principles that are now on a dusty shelf somewhere in the south of Greece. But it will be fun to relearn what I have forgotten through disuse.
My bottom line is that is a great camera.
The question is whether or not you will enjoy the photographs.
I promise to use it on my upcoming trip.
hi steve,
the picture of the young man skim boarding is awesome-your zoom lens does a great job.
i must have missed something. what trip are you talking about?
still debating whether or not i should try to talk steve into going to the east coast for the holidays. he has no desire to go, but christmas just wouldn't be the same without our boys. we've always been together except for when chris was in iraq and last year when matt didn't make it home because of all the snow.
have fun on your trip.
As far as I know, recámara means bedroom, and cámara means camera.
And so, I was temporarily confused.
I also need zoom and make the sacrifice of a pocket camera because of my need. But, I have a small camera I stick in my back pocket from time to time.
I just got the Lumix Z51. I am getting used to the software and will posting my first shots on my Blog today.
This would have been a great post to have included 4 or 5 photos.
Teresa -- I will be posting sbout my upcoming trip in just a couple days.
Diary of a Third Age Woman -- You are, of course, correct. Just my notion of a bit of punnery. The original title was "my camera in mi recámara," but that gave the wrong idea.
Chrissy -- I look forward to seeing the results. The Z51 certainly appears to be a handy size.
Nancy -- You are correct. An opprtunity missed. Buut the week is not over. Maybe tomorrow.
Nice camera, but it is the photographer who takes the good pictures. You have a good eye and I look forward to the pictures of your travels.
If yesterday's shots are any indication, I look forward to seeing more great pics from you. I did laugh when I read the title of this post. I won't tell you what I thought it was going to be about! LOL!
Well, I guess it's already been said that recámera is Spanish for "bedroom." And given the topic a few posts back, I suppose you have a new one of those too, though it's even harder to fit into a pocket.
I will have to second the kudos on the photos of the skim boarders. I also enjoyed the shots of the kids on horseback, though I realize those were likely shot with the old camera.
So...Jiggs isn't holding you back. You've solved the problem of where you'll live for the next six months. You have a shiny new camera. Gasoline hasn't yet gone back to $4.15+ per gallon. Why are we still getting posts from Melaque?
Kim G
Boston, MA
Where we intend to gently hassle you until you get out and see the country.
Irene -- I agree the equipment helps, but someone still needs to work it. I really need to dust off some of my old techniques.
Islagringo -- You know what they say. Buy eyeballs with headlines. I was hoping you would get the little joke.
Kim -- I will soon be on the road. There have been a couple of issues I have had to deal with around here. But, I will now be gone for two weeks. But more on that on Saturday -- when I fly away. Keep up the prodding. When will you be back in country?
Great choice!! I bought last year's model. Took it to Africa this summer. Got some great shots, although I wish I had a DSLR with longer range zoom, esp when I was in Tanzania as the animals were a lot further away.
BoBo's Mom -- It certainly is not a nature camera. I am posting a couple nature shots tmorrow, but it took a bit of manipulation to get what I wanted. You are correct, though, only a DSLR with a good telephoto will get safari shots.
Good call! Which I have to say...I'm sure I recommended the Panny! Still waiting for my new camera. Not enough pesos in the kitty just as yet, but soon hopefully. Looking at a Canon S90 now. Not much zoom, unlike yours, but fast glass, a decent sized sensor for a compact and good low light performance.
Hola Steve,
I had hoped to be in DF for the weekend of muertos, but alas, work got in the way.
I hope to be back there in the next few weeks. We'll see if work permits.
Looking forward to your trip, though if you are flying, will you land in Mexico?
Kim G
Boston, MA
Where we simultaneously love being elsewhere and hate traveling. Especially via air.
Garydeness -- Thank you for the suggestion on the Panasonic. It has turned out to be a geat choice.
Kim -- My little trip will take me to Los Angeles and then back here in two weeks. I join you in the loathing of flying.
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