Friday, December 10, 2010

titleless in mexico

I'm stumped.

Almost three years ago I started this blog,  In fact, in a few days, I can start blowing out some candles.

Lots of things have changed since then, but the title of this blog has not. 

And I have taken some grief for what appears to be a nonsensical name for this blog.  One of my favorite blogger colleagues thinks I am nuts if I believe I can expect the same life in Mexico as I had in Oregon.

I know his point.  Others have made it.  But that was not what I was intending to convey when I chose the title.

I had been reading Mexico blogs for several months before I decided to start my own.  One recurring theme I had seen on message boards was the silly belief that moving to Mexico would solve all personal problems.

I knew better than that.  I have been around enough blocks to know that whoever you are, you are going to be the same person despite your new location.  Circumstances will change, but your personality will remain a constant.

And I think that is where the confusion comes in.  Some people think I am talking about finding the same circumstances in Melaque I would find in Salem.  Any reader of this blog knows that is not true.

With the assistance of my house sitter, I revised the look of this blog last summer.  And I have been trying to think of a new title since then.  To no avail.

So, here is what I am going to do, I am going to have an election -- Alaska style.  But I will save you the trouble of any named candidates.  I wouldn't vote for any of my proposals.  Why should you?

This will be entirely a write-in affair.  No holds barred.  And spelling is not a requirement.

Be creative.  Dare me to choose your nominee.

Of course, I am the sole judge.  There will undoubtedly be ballots where the elector's intent is not clear.

Give me a good present to start year 4 of -- whatever this thing is going to be called.