If learning to deal with variables keeps a person young, Mexico will make me immortal.
I moved to Mexico because I wanted to get up every morning knowing that I may not know how to get through the day.
For an adrenalin junkie, it is the perfect life. And Mexico always manages to deliver.
The mail, for example.
As you know, I am a big booster of the Mexican mail system (mail lover). I have had a mail box in San Patricio for almost two years now, and I am happier with the Mexican service than I was with Mailboxes, etc. in Manzanilo, The Mexican system is far less expensive, and delivery time is about the same.
You may be asking why I have any mail service. After all, almost everything that once came through the mail can be done electronically. And that is certainly true for all of my financial matters and most of my personal correspondence.
Most of my magazines and newspapers arrive on my Kindle or on the internet. But not all.
I have also started sending the occasional greeting card through the mail. Simply because it is there.
As a rule, letters going both north and south take about 10 to 14 days to be delivered. Just like Mailboxes, etc.
But there was a huge exception in June. I mailed a stack of letters, greeting cards, and a rental deposit for my upcoming highland sojourn in August. Off they went on the same day. At least, I think they did.
To my surprise, it took a full month -- or more -- for everything to be delivered.
I asked the clerk at the post office, but he had no idea what could have happened. After all, when it leaves San Patricio, he has no control over it.
But when I stopped by in the late afternoon one day this week, I learned a little more about our local system. Unlike the United States where mail theoretically is shipped out each day, our mail comes and goes only a couple times each week.
The delivery is on a pick up between Melaque and Guadalajara -- with stops at every burg along the way. The mail is sealed in these large envelopes. At least, it is delivered to the San Patricio post office that way.
I think it was the first time I saw how small the delivery van is. We do not get much mail in Mexico. Fortunately, my box is kept free of the usual reams of advertisements I receive in The States that go directly from the mail slot to the recycle bin.
June must have been a delivery anomaly. This month I received a letter from Nevada in 16 days and a magazine from Mexico City in 10 days.
I am still a mail booster.
The delivery is on a pick up between Melaque and Guadalajara -- with stops at every burg along the way. The mail is sealed in these large envelopes. At least, it is delivered to the San Patricio post office that way.
I think it was the first time I saw how small the delivery van is. We do not get much mail in Mexico. Fortunately, my box is kept free of the usual reams of advertisements I receive in The States that go directly from the mail slot to the recycle bin.
June must have been a delivery anomaly. This month I received a letter from Nevada in 16 days and a magazine from Mexico City in 10 days.
I am still a mail booster.
I don't use the mail often, no need to really; but when I do it is usually something being sent to Canada and is usually something that is important, like a gift.
I always send it registered in these cases, which is quite low priced really. When you send it registered mail, you get the slip with a number on it and you can track it online through their website until it leaves Mexico that is. After that it is fair game for any shenanigans lol.
Here I have found the mail usually leaves Guaymas daily at around 5 PM and goes to Hermosillo where it then heads to Mexico City. The people there put it in the "bag" to head to Canada. Very efficient and timely.
After that who knows lol; but usually a parcel will arrive in Canada between 2 and 3 weeks after I have sent it.
The only bad experience I had with the mail here was when someone within Mexico mailed me something without registering it and it never arrived. I think as the postal people in her smaller town know her, they probably absconded with it, as they likely had a good idea of what ws in it. Just my thoughts.
It is a real delight when a handwritten letter or carefully selected card arrives in the mail. Using the computer and phone for communication is much faster but receiving a letter or card means that the person who sent it took the time to sit and write a note, select a card, address the envelope, find a stamp and take it to the postbox. It is like getting an unexpected present.
I always make sure all of the clerks at the post office are well-tipped on Postal Worker Day.
I have never used registered mail. I have notice how inexpensive jt is, though. I may try it.
For our generation I think that is true. I have talked to people in their 20s who seem to have no interest in getting physical mail. Maybe, for us, t was those anxious moments of our child hood waiting for that decoder ring purchased with Post Toasties box tops.
I received an unregistered parcel from England that took 10 days to arrive, whch I think must be something of a record.
I've always had good experiences with the Mexical postal system
Another happy customer. I need to try sending parcels. If only for my own satisfaction.
We have had a PO box in Patzcuaro for about 15 years now, and in the time only have had one issue. A Christmas gift of a box of chocolates does wonders for service, grease always works miracles in Mexico.
One of the first rules I learned as a young lawyer was: keep the clerks at the courthouse happy with candy and flowers -- and wonders will occur.
Now I know why the girls at the title companies spoke so highly of you when talking to me. I thought it was your personality.
Well, there is that, too.
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