Your intrepid explorers have reached their destination: Melaque by the sea.
Wednesday morning we were up early to enjoy the cool morning in La Manzanilla. Mornings have always been my favorite time on the Pacific coast of Mexico. The air is fresh; the days are clear. (Talk to me again once the rains start.)
I showed Darrel several of the La Manzanilla properties that interested me when I was last here. One had sold -- and, of course, it was the one that offered the best potential for development and remodeling.
We then took the beach road to Boca de Iguanas to look at the development. My ulterior motive for taking the beach road was to show Darrel how close the crocodiles come to beach patrons. I had heard several stories that the crocs had become bold enough to start wandering the street near the laguna.
Imagine my surprise to discover that the beach end of the laguna is now surrounded by a chain link fence. The wild aspect is gone. Seeing the crocs in La Manzanilla is about as interesting as seeing them in a zoo. Das ist aber schade.
We then completed the drive over the hill to the Melaque-La Manzanilla area. In the hills above Melaque, we encountered this interesting road hazard. The load had not fallen off of the truck. This is how he was driving along the road, with the plam fronds sweeping the highway. I assume he was on his way to a palapa repair.

Because we were a bit early arriving, we took a side trip to Barra de Navidad to see some of the houses that I looked at on my last trip. The one that interestred me the most is still for sale.
I also had my first run-in with a Mexican policeman. He was sitting in his vehicle at an intersection. As I started driving across the intersection, he waved his finger. And you all know what I thought. But he was just calling my attention to the fct that I was about to enter a one-way street. The encounter was friendly and helpful. This trip has been almost charmed.
And it was then back to Melaque to settle into my home for at least the next six months. The woman who owns the house greeted us -- along with her dog, Playa. She warned me that Playa is very dominant and protective. She was correct. Jiggs was ready to get out of the truck, but not to deal with a dog herding him about.
We settled in for the night after another Mexican experience -- failure of the water system. That simply did not matter to us at the moment. We were ready for bed.
A good sleep and we will be on our way to more adventures. Well, maybe after a bit more relaxation.

Wednesday morning we were up early to enjoy the cool morning in La Manzanilla. Mornings have always been my favorite time on the Pacific coast of Mexico. The air is fresh; the days are clear. (Talk to me again once the rains start.)
I showed Darrel several of the La Manzanilla properties that interested me when I was last here. One had sold -- and, of course, it was the one that offered the best potential for development and remodeling.
We then took the beach road to Boca de Iguanas to look at the development. My ulterior motive for taking the beach road was to show Darrel how close the crocodiles come to beach patrons. I had heard several stories that the crocs had become bold enough to start wandering the street near the laguna.
Imagine my surprise to discover that the beach end of the laguna is now surrounded by a chain link fence. The wild aspect is gone. Seeing the crocs in La Manzanilla is about as interesting as seeing them in a zoo. Das ist aber schade.
We then completed the drive over the hill to the Melaque-La Manzanilla area. In the hills above Melaque, we encountered this interesting road hazard. The load had not fallen off of the truck. This is how he was driving along the road, with the plam fronds sweeping the highway. I assume he was on his way to a palapa repair.

Because we were a bit early arriving, we took a side trip to Barra de Navidad to see some of the houses that I looked at on my last trip. The one that interestred me the most is still for sale.
I also had my first run-in with a Mexican policeman. He was sitting in his vehicle at an intersection. As I started driving across the intersection, he waved his finger. And you all know what I thought. But he was just calling my attention to the fct that I was about to enter a one-way street. The encounter was friendly and helpful. This trip has been almost charmed.
And it was then back to Melaque to settle into my home for at least the next six months. The woman who owns the house greeted us -- along with her dog, Playa. She warned me that Playa is very dominant and protective. She was correct. Jiggs was ready to get out of the truck, but not to deal with a dog herding him about.
We settled in for the night after another Mexican experience -- failure of the water system. That simply did not matter to us at the moment. We were ready for bed.
A good sleep and we will be on our way to more adventures. Well, maybe after a bit more relaxation.

That's all Jiggs needs: another dog pushing him around. Don't they have any respect for the elderly?
You have indeed had a charmed trip, other than the occasional substandard food. But now you can make your own! And since Darrel can cook too (I LOVE men who cook!) you can have a gourmet paradise.
Welcome to your new home!
Find Jiggs a nice shady spot with his favorite blanket. Now you have a tough job ahead of you......the learning how to relax south of the border style.
Congrats!! you made it to your new home.
The picture of the road hazzard is amazing. I guess there are no rules about what can/cannot be transported safely on a highway.
Kind regards, Corrinne
1st Mate -- Jiggs is starting to assert his senior rights. During the month Darrel is here, we will eat well.
Constantino -- I am well on my way of dropping my olf self. Of course, this blog is like a job in itself.
Oh, look at Mr. Jiggs. So bushed out and just so glad to be able to stretch his body out and not worry about anything else. My heart is with Jiggs.Don't let anyone's dog bother Jiggs, he is too darn old to put up with anything from any other dog. He needs to r & r now at least for the next couple of weeks.
I am so happy that you are now at your destination. You too can now recuperate from the drive. I look forward to your posts as I am sure they will have lots of interesting things to read. TAke care.
Welcome Home
I was going to say that is just a street sweeper .... but you should see them on a dusty road
Glad you made it and that you had a good trip.
Now you can relax a bit.
Hi, Steve: How are you? And when are you pulling a Dennis and returning? Many people here are complaining that I don't have the practically perfect thing down. They prefer the Real Mcoy over some cheap, two-bit imitation. I can't say as I blame them. The professor looks worn out...dog gone it, anyway.....
I have not left a comment yet on your trip south because I really wanted to say, "Are you there yet?"
However, I am happy you are there, and Jiggs looks relieved, too. Blessings to you both, and to Darrell as well.
YOU MADE IT! Hallelujah! Now have a couple of shots of tequila and watch the sun set...
p.s. Do you have any pics of the mysterious Darrel?? We didn't realize he's staying a MONTH - you two should have a blast.
BienVenidas a casa!
Gloria -- We are all well. I took it rather easy today -- as did Jiggs.
Mic -- Thanks. And it feels like home.
El Jubilado -- My brother went with the street sweeper joke, as well.
Brenda -- It was a marvelous trip. One I may do again -- later.
Brubor -- Keep up your impression. The Real Thing has a gig elsewhere.
Laurie -- We are here. Thanks for the blessing.
Cynthia -- Darrel keeps ducking out of photographs. I will do my best to remedy that.
Tom and Debi -- Gracias.
Thrilled you are safe and sound!
Thrilled that poor Jiggs can finally stretch out and relax. Our 9 year old Beardie, Bailey, freaks out when we turn the car going south on the highway by our house. He does not forget easily what happens when we go south. The trip into the central highlands of Mexico is hard on him as well. At 80 pounds and a ton of hair he is not exactly thrilled with Mexico.
Welcome home! I have enjoyed the adventure. Thanks and keep it comin'
Welcome home! Glad the trip was charmed and that Jiggs can find some chill out time. Get some rest, settle in and start enjoying the retirement. :)
Bienvenido a casa - You are one of us now.
Welcome home!! Why on earth would you do the trip again, later? You need to put that thought out of your head, lean back, close your eyes and listen to the surf. If your brother "gets with the program" he's going to have a tough time going back north after a month!
Life is good. Enjoy it. You earned it.
Steve, Darrel and Jiggs,
Great to hear you have all arrived safe!
As Thoreau said - "Go Confidently in the Direction of your Dreams! Live the Life You've Imagined"
Thanks for allowing us to "dream" along with you!
Take care -
Welcome home to Mexico to you both!
Steve, welcome home and to the life of calendars instead of time clocks, important stuff instead of legalese and life instead of just living! Picture of brother would definitely be timely now! Blessings Alan
Welcome home amigo! Can't wait to hear how the stars gradually leave your eyes.
Maria Luz -- Jiggs is settled in. And, yes, he stretches as far as he can when he is down.
CancunCanuck -- We ar going to relax. The next week, I need to stick around the house to assist with workmen who did not finish up projects while the owner was here.
Calypso -- I was always one of you -- just a sleeper.
Larry -- Who knows what the future will bring for The Little Red Truck? It very well may head as far north as Mazatlan, after all.
Kim -- Thanks. I am still headed in that direction.
Paty -- Gracias.
Al -- I tried to sneak one yesterday, but he ducked.
Islandgringo -- I am cursed with stars in my eyes. But I am a reallist. Time will show which mode prevails.
Congrats!! Jiggs looked like he was enjoying his well deserved rest after a long trip! How is he liking the heat?
Bobo;s om -- Jiggs wants Bobo to know that golden retrievers can live like kings in Mexico. Of course, they live like kings in America and Canada, as well.
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