Sorting. I have been half-heartedly doing that for the past year. Today I started in earnest.
My original plan was to leave an empty house when I headed south to Mexico. When the bottom fell out of the housing market, the bottom fell out of that plan. As did the urgency to do anything.
My plan now is to leave the house as organized as possible for the house sitter. I have been going from room to room sorting items in three piles: 1) Things that will go to Mexico with me; 2) Things that will stay in the house for my return trips (such as selling the house); and 3) Things that are bound either to the Salvation Army or to the dump.
The Bette Davis dump category is not very large. I took care of most of that on Tuesday night with either the recycling bin or the garbage can. It was not much. But it is now gone.
The Salvation Army pile is mainly clothes. I will take the first installment to the shelter on Thursday afternoon -- following a memorial service.
The category that never ceases to grow is the Mexico-bound stuff. I was convinced that I could get everything into two suit cases. If I had been satisfied with merely taking my lap top, I could have made it. But, by the time I added a printer, speakers, a large monitor, and a UPS, my fate was sealed.
And somewhere along the line, I forgot that the dog will require space for his basic needs, as well.
So, I am biting the bullet. Or, rather, I am buying the bullet. I have always made fun of the car-top carriers that look as if residents of Transylvania are involved in a mass migration. But, it is either buy one or leave all of my clothes and books behind.
My brother has found a good buy on a squarish version of the carrier. More space. Not so aerodynamic. But I am after space, not aesthetic applause.
Off to Bend I will head on Friday. It will also give me an opportunity to drive my mother across the Cascades for an impromptu Cotton family gathering.
Procrastination is worth waiting for.
My original plan was to leave an empty house when I headed south to Mexico. When the bottom fell out of the housing market, the bottom fell out of that plan. As did the urgency to do anything.
My plan now is to leave the house as organized as possible for the house sitter. I have been going from room to room sorting items in three piles: 1) Things that will go to Mexico with me; 2) Things that will stay in the house for my return trips (such as selling the house); and 3) Things that are bound either to the Salvation Army or to the dump.
The Bette Davis dump category is not very large. I took care of most of that on Tuesday night with either the recycling bin or the garbage can. It was not much. But it is now gone.
The Salvation Army pile is mainly clothes. I will take the first installment to the shelter on Thursday afternoon -- following a memorial service.
The category that never ceases to grow is the Mexico-bound stuff. I was convinced that I could get everything into two suit cases. If I had been satisfied with merely taking my lap top, I could have made it. But, by the time I added a printer, speakers, a large monitor, and a UPS, my fate was sealed.
And somewhere along the line, I forgot that the dog will require space for his basic needs, as well.
So, I am biting the bullet. Or, rather, I am buying the bullet. I have always made fun of the car-top carriers that look as if residents of Transylvania are involved in a mass migration. But, it is either buy one or leave all of my clothes and books behind.
My brother has found a good buy on a squarish version of the carrier. More space. Not so aerodynamic. But I am after space, not aesthetic applause.
Off to Bend I will head on Friday. It will also give me an opportunity to drive my mother across the Cascades for an impromptu Cotton family gathering.
Procrastination is worth waiting for.
Getting a car top carrier is an excellent idea. You will find it very useful once you are living here also. But won't you have to take it off everytime you want to load up the kayak? LOL!
Islagringo -- Good one that. The kayak is right up there with American fiscal responsibility -- maybe, one day.
I think it is good that you didn't sell your home and that you do have a house sitter. You never know Steve, life is funny. Often times a person may feel one way and as time passes, decide differently. But you of course, are a man who thinks everything out rationally before you act, so I don't suppose that you may feel differently about the move...as time passes.....but then you never know. My regards to the lovable and precious Mr. Jiggs.
::hugs for jiggs::.
I bought one of those cheap cloth carriers at Target. The reason being, that when you aren't using it, you just wad it up and put it in the closet or in the back of the car. Not so, with the hard surface ones........Just a thought!
AND you wouldn't believe how much stuff you can get into one of those. My first five trips driving from Houston to San Miguel you couldn't see out of any windows - It was to the roof. I cover it all with a black sheet which from the outside means no one can tell that you have a lot in the back of your car, or what it is.......a great trick taught to me by someone who used to take loads to the states.......
It's ALMOST time!
Of COURSE you need a rooftop carrier, I can't believe you thought you'd come without one! You can always get rid of it down here if you want, I'll bet a lot of people would buy it from you. I'm sure you know to put your lightest goods in it, and cinch it down really well.
I'm really looking forward to seeing you and your brother and Jiggs!
Gloria -- I wish that I could have got rid of the house. It is turning out to be an albatross. Jiggs is getting a bit anxious watching all of the preparation going on.
Babs -- I looked at the canvas carrier, but the hard shell has certain advantages.
1st Mate -- I doubt I will sell it. After all, I expect to be moving every 6 months or so. I will need it to simply remain mobile.
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