When I started thinking about retiring to Mexico, I had this vision of lazy days on the beach catching up on my reading. And just relaxing.
Somehow, I misplaced that plan.
Tuesday was a perfect example of how I seem to be living a life style a bit more alternative than the one I had planned. The photograph at the top of the blog is courtesy of my brother, who caught me napping. I am getting the relaxing part down without a problem.
(Looking at that photograph, it is hard to believe that I have actually lost 25 pounds in the last two months.)
I really cannot tell you the details of Tuesday. The day slipped by without much being done. I had hoped to work on the house's swimming pool. But my brother and I put that off until tomorrow.
I needed to get Jiggs to the vet for a cortisone shot, but once again both of the vets were not available -- and I really do not understand why. This is another example of why I need to get with my Spanish program.
I did accomplish one task. I needed hangers. I found the appropriate shop tucked away in its own bit of obscurity, picked out the hangers, and was promptly charged an excessive price. But I did not know enough Spanish to stand my ground. And I needed the hangers.
On a less mundane note, I have arranged to have dinner with American Mommy in Mexico and her descriptively-named family. Their Mexican experience is drawing to a close just as mine is getting started.
Speaking of dinner, I had planned on cooking a chicken dish tonight. I actually managed to gather most of the ingredients. I chopped. I diced. I mixed. The last step was to open the chicken.
It stank like -- chicken that has gone bad. So, we had the dish without the chicken. The menu: vegetable stir fry and a Greek salad. Not what I had planned, but it was good.
One last note. Some of you have started suspecting that my brother Darrel is a literary device and may be as imaginary as Harvey.
To prove otherwise, here he is looking for Hawaii or China. I am not certain which. You might notice a certain family resemblance.

Somehow, I misplaced that plan.
Tuesday was a perfect example of how I seem to be living a life style a bit more alternative than the one I had planned. The photograph at the top of the blog is courtesy of my brother, who caught me napping. I am getting the relaxing part down without a problem.
(Looking at that photograph, it is hard to believe that I have actually lost 25 pounds in the last two months.)
I really cannot tell you the details of Tuesday. The day slipped by without much being done. I had hoped to work on the house's swimming pool. But my brother and I put that off until tomorrow.
I needed to get Jiggs to the vet for a cortisone shot, but once again both of the vets were not available -- and I really do not understand why. This is another example of why I need to get with my Spanish program.
I did accomplish one task. I needed hangers. I found the appropriate shop tucked away in its own bit of obscurity, picked out the hangers, and was promptly charged an excessive price. But I did not know enough Spanish to stand my ground. And I needed the hangers.
On a less mundane note, I have arranged to have dinner with American Mommy in Mexico and her descriptively-named family. Their Mexican experience is drawing to a close just as mine is getting started.
Speaking of dinner, I had planned on cooking a chicken dish tonight. I actually managed to gather most of the ingredients. I chopped. I diced. I mixed. The last step was to open the chicken.
It stank like -- chicken that has gone bad. So, we had the dish without the chicken. The menu: vegetable stir fry and a Greek salad. Not what I had planned, but it was good.
One last note. Some of you have started suspecting that my brother Darrel is a literary device and may be as imaginary as Harvey.
To prove otherwise, here he is looking for Hawaii or China. I am not certain which. You might notice a certain family resemblance.

Great Post and pics. Looks like your Mexico life is going just as I would have expected ...
Good hammock pose. I noticed the slimming down right away. Good for you. I hope you and Harvey, er Darrell, have some good times.
Hi Steve, I think if you ask around for people who support Cisco's Amigos Clinics they would be a good resource for vets. Just a thought. Joan
Hey Steve, I have that same table cloth that is in the photo! Would taking Jigg's into Manzanillo for the shot be out of the question? Maybe New Beginnings can scout out a vet for you there today.
You will find yourself making many menu changes as time goes on. Don't ever expect the grocery store to have what you need when you need it. Whenever possible, get your chicken fresh in the morning from the local market butcher. He will be happy to leave it whole or cut it up for you.
The hammock shot made my morning and Darrell looks like he's deep in philosophical thought!
Relaxation should be your number one priority right now - see Felipe's hammock entry.
Congrats on the weight loss. Hopefully you are considering an 801 to Corp regarding their role in making you gain. Exh 1 your above pic. Again great job! Alan
Finally, as your brother's snapshot so clearly shows, you have landed dead-center on the metaphysical essence of retirement: The Nap.
The Nap defines the retiree. A retiree may take The Nap at any time of day or night or afternoon or morning or inbetween any of these interims for good reason, for bad reason, or for no reason. The Nap is the holy prerogative of the retiree.
For me, The Nap is the most delicious indulgence of my retirement. It most clearly defines my freedom. In retirement space, I have authority to determine how my labor is or is not spent. The Marxist problem is solved. I am at last joined with the fruit of my labor or, as the case may be, the non-fruit of my non-labor. Whatever.
In the afternoon, right after lunch, when my lids grow heavy, and my mind grows clouded, and I hear the river maidens calling to me from my bedroom, I drift lazily with the current of my non-ambition to settle into the soft pilot house of my queen-sized raft that will carry me to that distant shore of Morphia, Traumeland.
I simply withdraw from the frenzied, conscious world, buffeted about by all the various competing imperatives of all the various psychologies of power. They have no power over me. Their campaigns, their quests, their goals, their ambitions are nothing to me any longer -- mere phantom creatures with no temporal efficacy to alter the reverie of my existence.
Sail on, O sleeping sailor of the retired life! You've earned this respite from life's toil.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
Admiral Heavylid von Komitoz
It sounds like your prior stay in Greece really helped you adapt to Mexico! Your attitude is lovely, and your willingness to go to plan B is an excellent survival plan here!
You hammock napping technique is lacking though. If that is the same kind of woven hammock we have here. You should sleep in it diagonally, that way your weight is more evenly supported by all the strings and you aren't bent into a letter C, which is hard on your neck and back.
Darryl could have been photoshopped. Of course, I know about these things since people accuse Husband of being a literary device too.
Think you could email me some directions to your house?
Wow, you are looking very comfy there. Ah the life of retirement. Your brother does indeed bear a resemblance. Stinky chicken? Yuk! Oh steve, no more Kentucky Fried chicken for you. :D Take care, regards to Mr. Jiggs and please get him that shot he so needs.
Steve - I have sent you an e-mail regarding the vet situation and am willing to help however I can. I also have the e-mail address of someone from Cisco's Amigos who may have another vet option/idea in your area. Let me know how I can help.
Having met Darrell when you were here, I will attest to the fact that he is real, he was with you in Guaymas and he does look a lot like you. lol
If you think they are charging you too much in a store and you are language challenged, just say No and start walking away. Either the price will come down or you can find what you want where they won't overcharge you. We seldom run into that here as the bigger places have scanners that ring in the price, so they can't change it. In the smaller places, if it is too much, I just tell them that it is too expensive and start leaving. Sometimes the price comes down and sometimes not, if not I go elsewhere. No problem.
Wow, 25 lbs. good job!
The hammock picture is too much ... you trying to make us working folk jealous?
AMM -- But a tad busier than I thought it would be.
Laurie -- I wanted to show Darrel a bit more of Mexico, but we have been dealing with sick dog issues.
Joan -- Good suggestion.
Chrissy -- I have been in contact with New Beginnings. We have an alternate plan if I cannot get to a vet by 10 tomorrow.
Islandgringo -- Good suggestion. I am finding it hard to adjust to the buy and use method of cooking. But it should cut down on wasted food.
Holly -- He did not know I took the picture. On the other hand, I didn't know he ntook the other one.
Calypso -- The only thing I am now missing is The Woman.
Al -- Thanks. More to go. But 25 is a good start.
John -- Nice prose poem. I think I could nap for the American Olympics Team.
Theresa -- I suspect that I will be an expert in all things napping before the next few months are up.
MxSailor -- Let me know when you would like us to pick you up, and we will save you the trouble of having to find us.
Gloroia -- All three of we boys are champion relaxers.
New Beginnings -- Thanks. I may need to get in touch with you if my 10 AM option does not work out tomorrow.
Brenda -- If I had not needed the hangers (and if I had an idea where I could get them elsewhere), I would have tried the Take A Walk routine. As I learn where things are around here, I will have better negotiation options.
Cory -- Thanks. You may not recognize me at the next family function.
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