The first thing to go in warfare is the plan.
The adage applies every bit as well to moving. At least, that has proven to be the case for this particular Mexico move.
The plan for Friday was to drive to Bend where my brother and I would purchase and assemble a cargo carrier. It didn't happen.
Just before my mother arrived in Salem, I was hit with a bad bout of -- hmm, what is a good word; how about the real thing? -- diarrhea. My brother then left a note that there would be snow and ice in the pass. To top all of that, the store where we were going to buy the carrier, went into liquidation that morning.
Rather than make the trip, my mother and I drove over to a local branch of the store, braving the mobs of bargain-minded scavengers, and bought the carrier. Of course, they did not have the mounting kit.
But, fear not, my brother is a genius and a saint. He is driving to Salem on Saturday morning with a mounting kit he purchased in Bend. We will get the carrier installed and start packing some items.
I assembled part of the carrier, and then spent most of the day in bed trying to fight off whatever has got its grip on my head and bowels -- and not necessarily in that order.
The rest was enough to allow me to attend Good Friday services. I have always had very mixed feelings about Christmas and Easter services. Something I may (or may not) share one of these days. I suspect I am more of a son of the post-modern era than I like to admit.
The adage applies every bit as well to moving. At least, that has proven to be the case for this particular Mexico move.
The plan for Friday was to drive to Bend where my brother and I would purchase and assemble a cargo carrier. It didn't happen.
Just before my mother arrived in Salem, I was hit with a bad bout of -- hmm, what is a good word; how about the real thing? -- diarrhea. My brother then left a note that there would be snow and ice in the pass. To top all of that, the store where we were going to buy the carrier, went into liquidation that morning.
Rather than make the trip, my mother and I drove over to a local branch of the store, braving the mobs of bargain-minded scavengers, and bought the carrier. Of course, they did not have the mounting kit.
But, fear not, my brother is a genius and a saint. He is driving to Salem on Saturday morning with a mounting kit he purchased in Bend. We will get the carrier installed and start packing some items.
I assembled part of the carrier, and then spent most of the day in bed trying to fight off whatever has got its grip on my head and bowels -- and not necessarily in that order.
The rest was enough to allow me to attend Good Friday services. I have always had very mixed feelings about Christmas and Easter services. Something I may (or may not) share one of these days. I suspect I am more of a son of the post-modern era than I like to admit.
I bought four large plastic containers to organize the things I want to take with me. Even with the cargo carrier, I need to start cutting back on items.
And it will be good to soon stop writing about "what-I-didn't-get-done-today," and start writing about "what-I-chose-not-to do-today" posts.
Now, that is a good plan.
And it will be good to soon stop writing about "what-I-didn't-get-done-today," and start writing about "what-I-chose-not-to do-today" posts.
Now, that is a good plan.
Steve, I hope you are feeling better today. If not I hope you will see a dr. I was thinking you should be better by now.
Maybe you could send a few boxes to mexico of clothes by FedX. That would give you some "breathing room".
Kind regards, Corrinne
oh steve, you are definitely being prepared for your trip to mexico. i'm so sorry to hear about your problems and do hope that you feel better today. although what you probably have is a stomach virus, this is a good time to rememeber that when you get down there you should take anti parasite/amoeba meds. i believe vermox was the name of the one i took in chacala last year. i have a stomach of steel and never got sick until my 8th time in mexico, so even if you've never had montezuma's revenge, there's always a first time and it's best to just take precautionary measures against it.
i hope you are well enough to enjoy the weekend. good luck with all your packing and other preparations.
take care and God bless,
It's amazing how much stuff collects when you start to set aside things for the move. It just keeps growing!
We bought a little 5'x8' trailer for all of the "must haves." I had to tape a place out in the garage with the trailer's inside dimensions. Things that were going to Mexico had to fit inside the tape. If something didn't fit that just had to go, then something had to come out. It turned out to be an amazing bit of self discipline. And for a laugh, we still haven't unpacked the last two boxes.
You need to warm up your discriminating eye, step back and ask yourself "do I really have to have that?" I think you already know the answer for most things.
I hope you're feeling better! Could it be nerves? Try to take it one hour at a time.........truly, at a time like this.......it works!
But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane,
In proving foresight may be vain;
The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'men
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!
-Robert Burns
Keep you eye on the prize my friend. Mexico awaits!
Steve, I am guessing that your plan was to go to "Joe's". I still think of them as GI Joes. Another local Oregon business bites the dust.
Hope you are feeling better.
As for your packing, good luck.
We came down in a small car and had to leave some things we wanted behind as the car was riding too low for the topes lol. We lived without the stuff left behind without any pain lol. Things you think you can't live without are not always necessary down here.
Have fun. Hope to meet you soon.
Steve, I hate to say it, but I have checked the time (approx 4:00 AM)you have posted the last XXX number of entries and I suspect you are slipping into retirement life quite well. And you also need to know that if you don't leave on the 15th, the morrow will come and you will still have time to do all of the catchup things. The clock ticks less loudly when retired and Matt 6:34 applies completely in retirement as well as when working. Blessings as you heal (?) (do you heal from the runs?). Alan
Corrine -- It is just one of those colds that keeps hanging on. Almost everyone I know has had a bout.
Teresa -- My brother was a big help today. Without him, I would still be languishing in bed.
Larry, I have everything down to four plastic boxes and a suit case. Just as long as I stop looking around the house, I should now be fine. Crammed, but fine.
Babs -- I am now taking it a minute at a time.
Croft -- The prize is nearly upon me.
Jackie -- I have never adjusted to the Joe's name. Too bad the store is gone. It was always one of my favorites. When I lived in Milwaukie, there was one just two blocks from my home on Oatfield.
Brenda -- Reading about others' experiences has prepared me for this step. Thanks for the support. I look forward to meeting you, as well.
Al -- You are correct. Everything is going to be what it is.
Four plastic boxes! That's just amazing! I gather the house is furnished, but still...
Not to worry about household stuff anyway...there's a tianguis in Melaque on Wed. and Barra on Thurs.
The downside is that it looks as if I could move back in to my house at any minute. I am still fighting myself over silly things: should I bring that half ream of paper. That sort of thing. But the new rooftop carrier has poured oil on the water.
Steve, I hope you feel better soon. Yes, the colds that are going around seem to stick around. You are doing a great job of packing. I think we took that much for one month in Arizona! You do have a wonderful brother. I am so glad you will have his company on your drive into Mexico. You will have a great time. Keep those blogs coming. We had no trouble finding hotels with wireless in Mexico. So we'll expect updates on your travel. Carry lots of change for the auto pista. (I think we spent about $80.00 on tolls) Kirsten
Kirsten -- I am going to be very happy to have him along on the trip. We will have two issues finding places to stay: WiFi and the dog. But we will persevere.
Ah, we started out with a killer cold on the first day of freedom. Ah, now the, uh, craps. Yes, the deep unknown can be unsettling.
Felipe -- Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
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