This cold is starting to take a central part in my moving plans.
I was prepared to get up early on Sunday and get some closets reorganized before church began, and before my house sitter arrived for a walk through of the house procedures. But it did not happen. I woke up wheezing like a tin lizzy.
I managed to get to church on time, but the chapel was so crowded I left early to return home for a quick nap.
That was enough rest for me to give my house sitter a thorough orientation of the house. He has household goods of his own that he will store in my house until I can sell the place.
I was then off to Easter dinner with Beth of Minto Dog and her parents. I would have liked to stay longer, but I needed to feed Jiggs, and her parents needed to get home.
I have loaded 30 years of sweaters, coats, and shirts in the truck for delivery to the Salvation Army on Monday.
Only two full days before I head south.
I certainly hope the cold clears before then. Or I am going to be napping at the wheel.
I was prepared to get up early on Sunday and get some closets reorganized before church began, and before my house sitter arrived for a walk through of the house procedures. But it did not happen. I woke up wheezing like a tin lizzy.
I managed to get to church on time, but the chapel was so crowded I left early to return home for a quick nap.
That was enough rest for me to give my house sitter a thorough orientation of the house. He has household goods of his own that he will store in my house until I can sell the place.
I was then off to Easter dinner with Beth of Minto Dog and her parents. I would have liked to stay longer, but I needed to feed Jiggs, and her parents needed to get home.
I have loaded 30 years of sweaters, coats, and shirts in the truck for delivery to the Salvation Army on Monday.
Only two full days before I head south.
I certainly hope the cold clears before then. Or I am going to be napping at the wheel.
I think you have a bad case of deadline stress - honestly hombre being retired is about not having any deadlines - PERIOD!
Calypso -- The move may be exasperating the cold, but it is not causing it. Even so, it will be good to be on the road and away from external deadlines.
Exasperating or exacerbating? I think your Nyquil is interfering here... Buenos noches, amigo. Dream dreams of Mexico.
Steve, you are moving to Mexico the land without schedules and deadlines.
Take your time, relax. Rushing to get to Melaque by April 23 and the house is probably not ready or rented to someone else anyway. Please remember, IT'S MEXICO.
I'm sure in a couple of weeks you will be stretched out on a beach dreaming of kayaks with pedals.
Bon voyage
Laurie -- You are correct. The Nyquil takes another grammar toll.
Rick -- The woman who owns the house needs to get back to Wisconsin. She wants to show me how things operate before she leaves. We will get there in time. And then there will be rest -- I hope, not in the sense that there is plenty of time to rest in the grave.
What's the rush? What's to operate? The most complicated thing is going to be the lift pump to move water to the tinaco. And that may even be set on automatic level.
You need to get healthy so your escape is enjoyable as it should be.
The warm, humid air of Melaque should be just the thing to make your upper respiratory symptoms MUCH better.
Just got back from a week in Puerto Vallarta, and my sinuses felt much better at the end of the week. Unfortunately, upon return to the cold, dry air of Boston, they are complaining again.
So as you sweat in the hot air, remember you'll literally be breathing easier.
Hope you feel better soon. Moving is bad enough at the best of times. You don't want to do it sick.
Fond regards,
Kim G
Boston, MA
Which we seriously considered abandoning at the end of our week in Puerto Vallarta. But, alas, here we still are.
Larry -- The woman who owns the house has an entire itinerary set up for me to introduce me to the community. And the time window is limited due to her need to return north. Without that deadline, I would be futzing around up here letting projects slide. It helps to keep me focused. At this stage, that is a good thing.
Kim -- I am hoping you are correct about the heat. We just had another cold front move in -- quite a bit of snow in the mountains -- and probably along our eastern Oregon-Nevada route. My sinuses and lungs certainly can feel the pressure difference. The sooner I can get on the road, the better.
Glad to hear that you enjoyed the PV trip. It will soon be one of my supply depots in Mexico.
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